Practice Learning Time Closure from 13h00 on 19th September 2024

Please be aware that the Practice will be closed for training on the afternoon of Thursday 19th September 24 from 13h00.  Please call 111 during this time; they will signpost you to our practice cover provider or an alternative service. Klinik will also be closed and re-open at 06h00 on 20.09.2024


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Clinical Commissioning Group

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) commission most of the Hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible.

Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.

CCGs are assured by NHS England, which retains responsibility for commissioning primary care services such as GP and Dental services, as well as some specialised Hospital services. Many GP services are now co-commissioned with CCGs.

All GP practices now belong to a CCG, but CCGs also include other Health Professionals, such as nurses.

Services CCGs commission include:

  • most planned Hospital care
  • rehabilitative care
  • urgent and emergency care (including out-of-hours)
  • most community health services
  • mental health and learning disability services

Buckinghamshire CCG

Buckinghamshire CCG is a group of 48 member GP practices and their associated branches across the entire county, serving a population of over 530,000.

Together our purpose is to ensure that residents are able to access local healthcare services that meet the needs of the population.