Practice Learning Time Closure from 13h00 on 19th September 2024

Please be aware that the Practice will be closed for training on the afternoon of Thursday 19th September 24 from 13h00.  Please call 111 during this time; they will signpost you to our practice cover provider or an alternative service. Klinik will also be closed and re-open at 06h00 on 20.09.2024


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The NHS Constitution for England

The NHS belongs to the people.

It is there to improve our health and wellbeing, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill and, when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of our lives. It works at the limits of science – bringing the highest levels of human knowledge and skill to save lives and improve health. It touches our lives at times of basic human need, when care and compassion are what matter most.