Practice Learning Time Closure from 13h00 on 13th November 2024

Please be aware that the Practice will be closed for training on the afternoon of Wednesday 13th October 24 from 13h00.  Please call 111 during this time; they will signpost you to our practice cover provider or an alternative service. Klinik will also be closed and re-open at 06h00 on 14.11.2024


Contact us online. Get help from your GP with our online consultation service.

Contact Telephone Numbers


Reception01494 675303
Out of Hours/NHS 111111

Useful numbers

Amersham Hospital01494 434411
Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group01494 586600
Bucks Disability Information Network01296 487924
Carers Bucks0300 777 2722
ChildLine0800 1111
Chiltern Hospital01494 890890
Citizens Advice Bureau0844 499 4108 / 0844 245 1289
Connections080 80013219
Cruse Bereavement Care01494 511117
Domestic Violence Helpline0808 2000 247
Relate01494 791180
Samaritans08457 909090
Social Services

0845 370 8090
01494 475000
Stoke Mandeville Hospital01296 315000
Victim Support0845 070 3002
Wexham Park Hospital01753 633000
Wycombe General Hospital01494 526161
Youth Enquiry Service (YES)01494 437373