Self Referral Services
Due to COVID-19, the opening hours and access to these services may differ from what is noted here. Please contact the individual services for more information on the current hours and access.
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.
Be Healthy Bucks
Be Healthy Bucks is a free health and wellbeing service that can make a real difference to your patient’s quality of life. Our tailored support focuses on creating long-lasting behaviour change by helping people make healthier lifestyle choices. We offer services for adults, children and young people across Buckinghamshire.
03332 300177
Bucks Talking Therapies
NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies (formerly Healthy Minds) is an NHS psychological service which was established in 2008. Since then we have helped thousands of people each year cope more effectively with their depression and anxiety. We can offer you a range of free NHS, tried and tested psychological therapies which follow a stepped care model. We use this model to decide which type of treatment is currently most clinically appropriate for you.
01865 901600
Bucks Social Care – Children and Families
Information and guidance regarding care for children and families, from Buckinghamshire Council.
Bucks Social Care – Adults
Helping you find the right information and support in Buckinghamshire.
CareCompare is a free-to-use platform that allows people self-funding their social care to find, compare and book private domiciliary (homecare) services, giving patients choice and providing an objective resource that healthcare professionals can signpost patients and their families towards.
Your pregnancy and antenatal care
Are you in early pregnancy or thinking about having a baby? When you find out you are pregnant it is an exciting and life changing time. The maternity team at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust are committed to helping all women and their families to have a happy and healthy pregnancy and a safe birth of their baby.
01494 425172
Sexual Health Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire Sexual Health and Wellbeing (bSHaW) offers a free, confidential service to meet the sexual health needs of all. It can help people with a range of issues and concerns, including contraception and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The bSHaW service is completely confidential, with friendly and sensitive staff. If you need further advice about any sexual health issues then get in contact with your local bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic for a friendly chat.
0300 303 2880
Health and Wellbeing Bucks
Information, support and guidance is available from Health and Wellbeing Bucks.
Blood Tests (Phlebotomy)
How to get a blood test
Your doctor may have told you that you need a blood test.We offer blood tests at Stoke Mandeville, Wycombe Hospital and Amersham Hospital from Monday to Friday.You can book an appointment online and choose a time and location that suits you.
NHS stop smoking services help you quit – Quit smoking
Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good.
0300 123 1044